Press statement: Government white paper on social care
The Government’s White Paper on social care does nothing to address the material conditions of care and support workers nor does it actually tackle the most pressing issue in the sector – the unmet needs of thousands on Local Authority waiting lists and the ‘quality’ of support which those requiring support can expect.
Private equity firms, Hedge funds and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are left unregulated to leech the profits from our labour, creating sterile mega care homes, instead of providing sustainable government investment in a coproduced strategy to move towards independent living for all.
We are insulted by the key slogan of the three week TV advertising campaign which the government is rolling out to address the staffing crisis – ‘There is no better time to become a care worker’. It highlights just how far removed our elected representatives are from the frontline reality – poverty wages, burnout and deep seated resentment that our efforts throughout the pandemic have been ignored.
The fightback continues.
Care and Support Workers Organise! (CaSWO!)